Paul Camacho, Moroveño artist, stated that art should be a reflection of reality. “The artist is a mere vehicle that reflects its surroundings”, but, what constitutes reality?, is a question pondered by both classical philosophy and artistic theory – which was radically guided by the plastic arts of the 20th Century. Camacho, together with Luis Hernández Cruz, Lope Max Diaz, y Antonio Navia, founded the group Frente in 1977. Frente not only promoted Puerto Rican abstract art, it established it. The group exposed its member’s pieces upon the art world, along with the work of artist such as Maros Irizarry, Oscar Mestey, Rolando López Dirube, Noemí Ruiz, and Wilfredo Chiesa.
Continuing this artistic movements trajectory, as well its American and South American variants, Galería Coquí gathered, during the 1970s and 1980s, examples from several of these artists de varios de estos artistas. We present here the cuban cubism of Rolando López Dirube; the abstractions of Luis Hernández Cruz and Noemí Ruiz, who looked to redefine that ephemeral reality through their chromatic compositions; the absolute cubism of Eli Barreto’s work; Paul Camacho’s brutal geometry; and the quasi-quinetic art of Luis Díaz Gandía. Not tied solely to the Caribbean, we also share with you the lines of the basque Juan Echegoyen Krug and the abstract lyricism of the American Thornton Willis.
Cabeza VII$900.00
Composición con dos centros$1,200.00
Cuadritos 11$300.00
Omaha Flash$1,000.00
Corazón Verde$150.00
Azul y Verde$150.00
Esferas Negras$10,000.00
Placebo Azúl$100.00
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